Beijing Zoo

Culture shock.

I hadn’t had a culture shock until the Zoo… but it was big, and bad, and gross, and squatty.


…hell. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life, and the Zoo was not the place to first experience it. But I came out alive… *cries*

The Zoo animals were quite interesting. I’d seen Pandas and the national Zoo in D.C., but they were just as interesting as before. The monkeys, in my opinion, were the coolest things at the Zoo.

Another culture shock came in the form of the people from Southwest China who had never seen Americans. They took pictures with us, and we all loved every second of it. I’m actually convinced they were more interested in us than the animals.

Also, I’m going to write about the food in one blog post. I feel that it’s easier than posting a little at a time.

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