The Fragrant… Hill?

Don’t believe the title of this place for a second, because if you do, you’ll be in for a big surprise. If this is a hill, I don’t want to see a mountain- the climb to the top was one of the toughest physical things I did all trip, but in the end, it was all worth it.

There’s a mountain in the middle of Beijing, and we could see for miles, and miles, and miles.

While we were in the country, it was surprisingly clear (besides the first and last couple of days). As such, when we arrived at the top of the hill, we could see to the Summer Palace and beyond- which, in case you didn’t know, is really far away.

Here, I saw one of the most amazing experiences of my life, all wrapped into one sight. This was China, a country I had grown to love and enjoy.

Honestly, I miss it. I miss the people there, the food, the people I traveled with, and most of all, I miss the differences. Coming back and living my every day life, I’ve been letting myself drift… it’s so monotonous to stay in one place, isn’t it?


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